Payment Method

Accepted Payment Methods:
We accept both PayPal and Stripe for all transactions on our website. These payment methods ensure a secure and reliable payment experience.

Payment Processing:
All payments are securely processed through either PayPal’s or Stripe’s platform. Your financial information is encrypted and safeguarded, ensuring the highest level of security.

All transactions are conducted in USD. Any discrepancies in currency conversion are subject to the rates provided by PayPal or Stripe.

By completing a purchase on, you authorize PayPal or Stripe to debit the payment amount from your selected payment method.

Order Confirmation:
Upon successful payment, you will receive an order confirmation email detailing your purchased items and transaction information.

Refunds and Returns:
For information regarding refunds and returns, please refer to our Refund Policy. All refunds will be processed through the payment method used for the initial transaction, either PayPal or Stripe.

Billing Issues:
If you encounter any billing or payment issues, please contact our Customer Support team for assistance.

Protecting your payment information is our top priority. For further details, please review our Privacy Policy.

Policy Changes:
We reserve the right to update and modify this Payment Policy as necessary. Any changes will take immediate effect upon being posted on

By making a purchase on, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to our Payment Policy.

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